Farm and Home, Garden Remedies
(Note: In any agricultural application, your results will vary depending on your soil content, available nutrients, climate, etc. While these are reported used below, your mileage may definitely vary.*)
Basic H has numerous applications on the Farm. While not recommended for internal livestock use, it has been found effective by many farmers as a de-wormer. It also has been proven in use as a soil conditioner, allowing ground which was resistant to water penetration to become porous and more productive.
Here are a few of the many uses Basic H has been found effective for:
Fire Extinguisher – 1 tablespoon Basic H to 1 pint spray bottle; put water in first then add the H to prevent suds. Very effective on grease fires; keep one by the stove, in the tool box, by the welder… Also 1 gallon H to 55 gallons water in 55 gallon water barrel; suffocates a fire fast. In Fire trucks 1 gallon H to 1,000 gallons water.
Tape Residue – 4 drops to 16 ounce spray bottle filled with water, spray on let set and wipe off. Paint Brushes – Work full strength H into brushes and wash under the tap. Outside Windows and Screens – Spray mixture of 1 teaspoon H to 2 gallons of water. Rust – Use Basic-H for rust inhibitor for rusty nuts and bolts. Also use one tablespoon to radiator full or water or anti-freeze to help prevent rust. Changing Tires - Spray diluted or full-strength Basic-H on rims. Tires go on easier. Septic Tank – Pour one quart of Basic-H into septic tank drainage when it becomes sluggish to clean it out. Does not hinder bacterial action in septic tank or cesspools. In fact, it helps build bacteria in your septic tank.
Garden bug killer: 1 tsp of Basic H to 1 gallon water
Orchard trees: for bug killer; 1 oz. Basic H to 1 gallon water and spray before buds appear. For fungus or disease, 1 qt. Basic H to 5 quarts.water. Spray until drips off plant. (I used on my gardenia bush which was inflicted with something that was white and fuzzy. Whatever it was, it disappeared.) Garden soil treatment: 2 1/2 quarts of Basic H to 25 gal. water. Spray and plow under in early spring or fall. DE-WORMERS… Dogs and cats: 2 drops of Basic H to one gallon of water. Chickens: 1 quart Basic H to 95-100 gallons of water (1 C. for 25 gallons of water… keep reducing for your needs.) Cow and horse: 4 oz. basic H to 150 gallons of water. (note in book says that cows drinking this liquid give more milk and have increased rumen activity. Also, gets rid of scours.) Sheep or goat: 2 oz. Basic H to 150 gallons of water. PEST CONTROL Animal fly spray: 4 oz. of Basic h to 1 quart of water Ant removal: 1 quart Basic H to 4 quart water. Pour over hill. ( I love this! No fear for chickens pecking at the hill after treatment!)Basic H is also reported to have cut herbicide use in half, while improving crop production 20%, depending on application and crop.
Consider this video about Basic H -
Buy Shaklee Basic H in bulk quantities for farm and garden use.
*Shaklee Corporation makes no claims for Basic-H or H2 with reference to crops, growth response, or crop yield; as a nutrient release aid or fertilizers as a spray adiuvant, pesticide, fungicide, herbicide, or rodenticide.
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