Monday, March 19, 2012

Studies of Weight Loss Shakes

Weight Loss Shakes and Studies: Shaklee Cinch Inch Loss Program

With Shaklee's 50-year background in vitamin research and quality-checking, it should be no surprise that when it upgraded it's diet program more testing was involved.

According to Wikipedia"A landmark nutrition study published in the peer-reviewed Nutrition Journal (October 24, 2007) led by a Nobel Laureate in Nutrition compared users of Shaklee vitamins and supplements with users of leading multivitamins and people who took no vitamins or supplements over a 20 year period. The study showed Shaklee users "to have markedly better health as measured by higher blood levels of key nutrients, more optimal levels of key health biomarkers, and lower prevalence of diabetes and elevated blood pressure." As a group the Shaklee users "were 73% less likely to have diabetes and 39% less likely to have elevated blood pressure than non-users. Also, this group was less likely to have suboptimal blood nutrient concentrations, and more likely to have favorable levels of key biomarkers including serum homocysteine, C-reactive protein, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglycerides than either non-users or multivitamin/mineral users."

It's leading weight control program is known as the Cinch Inch Loss Program, has an emphasis on not just weight, but also inches of fat reduced. Shaklee has long been  involved in sports nutrition, having sponsoreda top-ranked professional cycling team, and its supplements used by numerous Olympic and sports athletes. Shaklee has also supplied adventure teams, such as Jacque Cousteau's and also supplied a customized re-hydration beverage to NASA Shuttle astronauts since 1993 - which continues today.

In their studies of athletic performance, a key amino acid (building blocks for protein) was found to help maintain muscle mass of athletes and so maintain their condition - leucine. Researchers had noted that diets for weight loss were remarkably different than diet top athletes used for routinely high performance.

To understand how leucine works, it's important to first take a closer look at this dreaded diet cycle. You know the drill. You go on a diet, and since most diets are nutritionally inadequate, you generally feel hungry and have no energy.

But worse than how you feel, is what's happening to your body. When you significantly reduce your calorie intake, it triggers what's called the "famine response." Your body thinks it's starving and goes looking for energy anywhere it can find it - including your muscle. So not only do you feel bad, but instead of just losing fat, you are losing muscle too.

Now, why is that a problem? Well, muscle is the core of your metabolism. It burns more calories than fat, so the more muscle you have, the higher your resting metabolism and the more calories you burn in a day. Less muscle means a lower metabolism and fewer calories burned.

And things only get worse when you go off your diet and go back to your old eating habits. Because your metabolism has been lowered by this loss of muscle mass, you regain the weight you lost, AND you don't get all that muscle back. The weight that you regain is body fat.

With each successive diet you actually end up shrinking your muscle mass and your calorie-burning capacity. And each time you stop dieting, you usually gain back more fat. So, your metabolism keeps getting lower and your body fat keeps going higher. Does this sound familiar? Remember that muscle equals metabolism, and it's so important to preserve your muscle mass as you reduce your calories to lose weight. This will maximize your body's calorie burning potential.

And that's where this remarkable program from Shaklee comes into the picture. The CinchInch Loss Plan is powered by a proprietary blend of protein - enhanced with leucine - that is designed to help you break the diet cycle.

Leucine is an amino acid that directly stimulates muscle protein synthesis. This means leucine helps you retain muscle mass.

Researchers have been studying leucine's role in muscle metabolism for over 30 years. And body builders have used supplemental leucine to help gain and maintain muscle mass. However, more recently, leucine has been evaluated for its role in weight management because of this function in preserving lean tissue during periods of reduced calorie intake.

The research sounded promising, but to be sure the Shaklee science team ran its own research, a pilot study in the Fall of 2005 to specifically test the CinchInch Loss program. The study participants followed our program for 12 weeks and the results were even better than we expected.

Participants lost over 15 pounds, and 4.1 inches around their waist and 2.6 inches around their hips on average. But the best part? The study subjects showed 100% preservation of fat-free muscle mass.

Now, there's more to the Cinch Inch Loss Plan than just weight loss shakes. The point is to keep you feeling full, with enough energy to do whatever you want while your body adjusts to less mass intake. There are teas, food bars, and a vitamin supplement. But that will need to be the subject of an additional article.

More information about the Cinch Inch-Loss Diet Plan can be found as linked below:

Learn about the real science behind the Cinch Diet Plan Introductory sampler now available.

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